NEWS & Upcoming Events


Drop-ins will take place starting January 11th and run through February 15th.

Note: Drop-ins will take place either on the turf or in the gyms at FCHS. Please note the time and location of each specific drop-in. 

For indoor drop-ins, please wear indoor soccer shoes with a flat bottom. No cleats are permitted indoors and sneakers are "okay," but not great, I would really invest in a pair of indoor soccer shoes for these sessions. These can be found on Amazon for not too much.

For outdoor drop-ins, please dress warm. We will be playing during the most ideal and warmest parts of the day, but it will still be cold, so bundle up! If it is ever too cold or too snowy, we will either cancel or relocate to indoors. We will always cancel if the field is covered in snow. 

Drop-ins are a great way for players to be seen prior to tryouts. It is also a fantastic time for players to create relationships with coaches and with one another. Drop-ins tend to be casual with mostly scrimmages taking place with some technical training and conditioning on occasion. They are casual and please don't feel bad if you can't attend all the dates. With the late nights and weekends, I know it can be difficult, so just do your best! If you know you will be playing in the spring, but will miss a significant amount of drop-ins, feel free to shoot me an email ( and discuss your situation, soccer background, and your hopes for the upcoming season.

Note: Players from the boys soccer team or players from other schools are not permitted at FCHS girls Drop-ins!


Drop-Ins Dates



Note: With cold weather expected during this week, there is a possibility that tryout days are shortened or rescheduled. Please check back here for updates. Additionally, we will not be doing the 120 Fitness Test this year.

Tryouts will take place on February 24th, 25th, and 26th

They will take place from 4:30-6:00pm each day on the turf field at FCHS.

If we have 55+ players a C-Team will be made, and we will have 3 teams. If we do not have 55+ players tryout, we will have to make cuts and we will only put together a JV team and a Varsity team.

Please note that just because you have participated in any or all of the pre-season workouts, drop-ins, indoor team leagues, etc., that it does not guarantee you a spot in the program or on a specific team.

Throughout tryouts, players will be called over by coaches either individually or in small groups to be invited to a team. It is then on the player to accept the invitation to join the team they are offered. During this time, coaches will provide feedback to the player and have discussions with them. We collaborate as coaches intensively about where to place players, so please know that it is a team effort and a lot goes into our decision making process. If you are interested in learning more about tryouts and team placement, please read our "Girls Handbook."

orange cards

Players must turn in an Orange Card to Coach Deitz before they tryout and/or play for the program. This is a district-wide policy and no exceptions can be made for players that do not obtain an Orange Card.

Please follow this link to the FCHS athletics page to learn how to obtain an Orange Card:

Students are allowed to get orange cards from our Athletic Secretary in the front office before school, during lunch, or after school.  Please do not go down during class even if you have a pass. You will be sent back to class without your orange card.