Girls Handbook



Fort Collins High School and the FCHS soccer team want to welcome the new and returning players and their families!

This handbook is designed to inform and educate families about the activities of the FCHS soccer team both on and off the field.


All players and/or parents are asked to download the app BAND, which is available on both Android and IOS.

BAND enables us to share important updates in real time to ensure players/parents are up-to-speed on any last minute changes or announcements. This app is the best way for the team to communicate in one place.

Band will be used to communicate daily and weekly, so please ensure their notifications are turned on for this app while we are in season.

You can download your Band App and accept your automatic team-invite in the "Girls Team Info" Section of this website.


Samuel Deitz

Head Coach | Varsity

Cassi Hoven

Assistant Coach | Varsity

Vicky Baca

Volunteer Assistant Coach | Varsity


Head Coach | JV

Sydney Stinson

Volunteer Assistant Coach | JV



Coaches are available to answer any questions or concerns by any player or parent. Please don’t come with questions or problems before (within 15 minutes of practice, an hour before a game) or during games or practices. We will be more than willing to talk to you any other time. 

Before taking an issue directly to the principal or to the athletic director, I ask that you first talk to the appropriate person. Typically, if the issue is related to JV, speak with the JV coach first. If the issue can’t be rectified there, come talk to me, Coach Deitz. If the issue still can’t be resolved, then we can speak our Athletic Director. This process solves a lot of problems quicker and more effectively. This is our administration's preferred method for problem-solving as well.

As is compliant with my open-door policy, if you see something related to the game, someone’s behavior, or something you don’t agree with, please come talk to me. If you don’t make us aware of a problem, we can’t fix it.

Friendly Tip: Please refrain from personal attacks targeting coaches, players, and other parents when conversing with coaches.


Team Placement Overview

As coaches, we confer regularly with in-depth evaluations regarding team player placement. We go over strengths and weaknesses of each player trying out, and collaborate on our individual evaluations of those players to come to a consensus about where we all believe a player belongs. Player placement has a great number of factors that go into it, such as what each level of team needs, where a player will improve the most, where a player will be most valuable in the program, etc. Often times players and parents can become frustrated based on team placement decisions.

If you are aspiring to make Varsity, the expectation is that you have a great attitude, great work ethic, great skill, and are a great teammate. If you do not have ALL FOUR of these qualities, there is a good chance you will not make Varsity. We so often receive players that are highly talented, but have bad attitudes, or have great work ethic and are great teammates, but do not have great skill. Please be self-reflective regarding these traits and strive to achieve all four of them at a high level and you will certainly increase your chances of making Varsity.

Additionally, there are times where our program may be "bottom-heavy" or "top-heavy" based on the amount of lowerclassman or upperclassman that we receive. It is not normal to make Varsity as a sophomore and is even less common as a freshman. That being said, there may be instances where the senior class has only a couple of players and in such a case, players from freshman and sophomore classes may have a stronger chance of making Varsity. Many players quit after their freshman and sophomore years if they don't make Varsity, but I would encourage players to keep pushing themselves to get better, to hit those four traits mentioned above, and to make it obvious they belong on the top team if that is what they are aiming for.

Important Note: Parent involvement with the program will not equate to a player making a desired team. Example: Volunteering to set-up indoor leagues, hosting team dinners, and/or donating to the program.

Swing Players

Players that make JV with Varsity aspirations will have opportunities throughout the entire season to be able to swing up and play with Varsity on a part-time or full-time basis. Every season players get hurt, have to miss for various reasons, become ineligible, etc. and there are ALWAYS players asked to move up to Varsity. So often, there are players on JV who are Varsity-ready, but based on the players that play their same positions means they may play little to no minutes on Varsity, so we often defer those players to JV so they can get playing time, grow as players, and be Varsity-ready when their time to be called up comes. We often swing players up as early as the first match of the season!

If Varsity needs a player to swing up from JV, the Varsity coach will typically ask the JV coach and take their recommendation on the position that needs to be filled on Varsity. So often the players that were "on the bubble" of making Varsity during tryouts are not called up to Varsity, because their attitudes sour post-tryouts and thus, the JV coach recommends players with good attitudes. We are only looking for players with good attitudes on Varsity, so be sure that if you are a JV player that wants to swing up during the season, that you have the best attitude you can have during your time with JV. 

Tip: Don't be shortsighted! If you are told by a coach that you were right on the cusp of making Varsity during tryouts, and that they'll be watching your performances to see if they can pull you up, the worst thing to do at that point is to quit or develop a bad attitude because you are upset.

Players that swing up to Varsity will often be expected to practice with Varsity instead of JV. They will also often be asked to be at both Varsity and JV matches and may expect to play in both. Players that swing up to Varsity may move back down to JV and lose their swing status. This is ultimately determined by the head Varsity coach. Swing players may also become permanent Varsity players. In this case, players will only play on Varsity. This decision may be made by the Varsity head coach and the head coach will make players aware of this should it occur.

Team Levels

For the foreseeable future, we should have the number of players to support at Varsity and JV teams. In the case that we have 55+ players that tryout and accept team placements, we will have a C-Team. If that 55+ player threshold is not met, there will likely be cuts.


We would love to have all parents volunteer to support the team in some way. We typically need about half a dozen volunteers for various tasks but would love more, so that no one person is “stuck” with too many tasks. We encourage working together and forming smaller groups to tackle the tasks we set out to accomplish. What we have learned over the years is that the time and effort of volunteers pays large dividends in improving the soccer experience of the players and we’d love to keep that going!

Below is the list of volunteer roles we look to fill every season.



Grades will be checked a minimum of once a week. If a player has 2 or more failing grades, they are automatically ineligible for the next week of play (NO EXCEPTIONS). Any player who is ineligible for matches, will not be expected at practice, but will instead be expected to be using that time to improve their grades.


Drug & alcohol use will not be tolerated at any time. Not only during the season but also the entire school year. Poudre School District (PSD) has outlined the punishments for violations of the Drug & Alcohol policy. For more information on the exact suspensions, see the coaches or contact the athletic office for a brochure. After a suspension is served, that player will automatically not be allowed to play in games or even return to the team. The coaching staff retains the right to decide if and when the player may play in games or rejoin the team.


All players will receive participation certificates at the end of the year. Varsity players who play in at least 70% of the games will receive a “Varsity Letter.” Exceptions will be made for failure to comply with team and/or CHSAA rules and regulations.


All players will be responsible for their own equipment. Every player will receive a kit and will be required to fill out a form when receiving that kit as to what is in the kit. If any items are missing or damaged at the end of the season, they will be asked to pay for replacement items. Players will purchase team shorts and socks on their own. The correct shorts and socks can be found in the "Team Info" tab under "Girls."


We expect student-athletes to prioritize these three things from top to bottom.


Practice Times (non-match days)

Practices for all levels will be held Monday – Friday  4:30 – 6:30pm (starting March 17th, 2025). Practice will end at 6pm up until that date due to lack of lighting. Players should be laced up and ready to practice by 4:30. We may have the occasional Saturday practice. Be sure to check Band for those updates.


Players will arrive one hour before the start of any home match. For away games, players must be at the bus at the specified time. The bus will meet players in the south Fort Collins High School student parking lot near athletic hall. The bus will NOT wait for late players. Match schedule can be found on our website or on the FCHS Athletics page.

Playing Time

JV + C Team – “Everyone Plays” 

The coaching staff will attempt to give all JV/C players as much game time over the course of the season as possible, but there is an expectation that in some games some players will play more than other players.

"Everyone Plays" means that every player will receive game time of some sort throughout the season and does not necessarily mean every player will get to play in every game. Often times, Varsity players will swing down and participate with JV if they are lacking playing time in Varsity matches so they can develop. These decisions will be made on a game to game basis.

Varsity – “No Guaranteed Play Time”

Varsity playing time will unlikely be equal either during particular games or throughout the season. Playing time is at the sole discretion of the coaching staff and is based on a multitude of factors.

I will answer any questions players have about their own playing time, what they need to work on, their team role, why they played X number of minutes, etc. I will NOT answer questions about other players i.e. “Why does “Johnny” play more than I do?”

Furthermore, I am happy to speak with parents about playing time as well. However, I feel it is a more effective conversation if the player is also present, and the player must have first had a conversation with me. This also applies to email. If you wish to email the coaching staff about these concerns we WILL have your child read the email as well. You are representing them and their interest, so again we ask the player to take an active role in that.

NOTE: A player that misses any combination of practices and/or games (excused or unexcused) may have their playing time limited at the coaching staff's discretion. It is important for players to be committed to the team and program to the best of their ability. If a player is putting in less time than other players, it is not always equitable for that player to continue to receive playing time over other players that are showing up more consistently. If you have to miss for family or school related reasons, we completely understand as we value those two things over soccer as well, but that does not necessarily mean that your playing time will be unaffected.


“Belonging to a team does not give you rights and privileges, but commitments and responsibilities.”

Respect breeds teamwork:


Communication creates trust:

Preparation and Performance:

Excused Absences:

Leaving early from away games:


Fundraising is a crucial part of helping us offset the cost of our soccer program. Money raised is being used to directly fund the FCHS Girls Soccer teams; this includes new uniforms, equipment, outdoor turf rental, and more!

King Soopers

Help earn money for Girls Soccer through the King Soopers Community Rewards Program! All you need to do is register online & shop at King Soopers using your Loyalty Card (or enter your Alt ID). King Soopers will donate a percentage of your purchases to our soccer team. We ask all parents who shop at King Soopers to sign up for the program using the instructions below. There is no monetary or “reward points” expense on your part; the donation is made entirely by King Soopers!

Enrollment is as easy as 1-2-3!

It's that easy!

You can also visit and follow the instructions found there if you need additional help enrolling.

Direct Donation

Please follow the link below if you would like to make a donation directly to our soccer program. Thank you so much for supporting our teams!


Team Dinners

Team dinners are held the evening before regular season games with our cross-town rivals Poudre, Rocky, Fossil, and Liberty. We will also hold a Varsity-only team dinner in some shape or form before every playoff match. Team dinners give the coaches, managers, and players an opportunity to eat together in a fun and relaxed environment. The dinners are a great opportunity to build team spirit and bond.

The dinners are hosted at the home of a team member and are typically a potluck meal. The coordinator helps to make sure all the spots are filled. Utilizing Google Forms or Signup Genius for this can be a big help!

Players, coaches, and managers of all levels attend the dinners. As these are designed to increase team bonding - parents outside of host-parents generally don’t attend. The dinners are held immediately after practice and team members are responsible for their own transportation (both to and from the dinners.

Our combined group numbers are around 40 players if we have two teams, and around 55 players if we have three teams. Don’t be intimidated by the large size! We are happy to eat in backyards, sitting on floors, or in garages! We are not picky about the space, we just want to spend some time in each other’s company!

End of Season Banquet

After the season ends we will recognize the coaches and players with a post-season banquet. The banquet coordinator will determine and share the date and location of the banquet as soon as possible. Typically, the end of season banquet is held in the commons at FCHS. During the end of season banquet, we will eat, hand out awards, make speeches, mingle with parents and players, and watch the end of the season slideshow.


The mission of Fort Collins High School Athletics is to provide an opportunity for student-athletes to excel at the highest level academically, on the playing field, and in life. All of our athletic programs foster an environment where character, integrity, responsibility, and discipline are equal and integral parts. Our tradition of excellence truly makes Fort Collins High School “Home of the Champions.”

Among the objectives of the athletics department are the following: